Learn to be a confident and effective ultrasound technician – capable of diagnosing and detecting fault conditions in rotating machinery, electrical equipment, valves, hydraulics, steam traps and more.
You will learn how to take quality, dependable measurements, and make recommendations with confidence and accuracy.
Use the training and certification as the start of a new and rewarding career as an ultrasound technician or as understanding so you can oversee its application as part of a preventive maintenance program.
The Mobius Crystal Clear™ training methodology is unique, using hundreds of 3D animations and software simulations that make complex concepts easier to understand. The course teaches you everything you need to know according to the ISO 18436 standard for Ultrasound analyst training.
• Condition monitoring as a maintenance strategy, including a summary of the most common technologies
• How ultrasound testing and ultrasound-assisted lubrication plays a key role in reliability improvement
• The fundamentals of sound: frequency, amplitude, wavelength, pitch, and period
• How it is measured and quantified: dB, RMS, peak, kurtosis, and crest factor
• How sound behaves: speed of sound, reflection, refraction, and transmission
• How ultrasound is detected in industrial settings
• How to take dependable, repeatable, high-quality readings
• Listening to ultrasound, and capturing and interpreting waveforms and spectra
• How to set up software systems, including the naming of assets
• Impacts, friction, turbulence, cavitation, arcing, tracking, corona, and partial discharge
• How to detect faults in bearings, electrical systems, steam traps, valves, hydraulic equipment, pumps, compressors, etc.
• How hydraulics, electrical systems, steam systems, compressors, bearings, pumps, valves, steam traps, and other components work – all with vivid, realistic 3D animations
• How to correctly lubricate bearings: not too much, not too little
• How to collect data and perform tests safely
• How to generate reports that will provide people with the information they really need.
To download full course content, go to: https://reliabilityinstitute.com.au/brochures
Distance Learning (on-line) Course Format:
The course is made up of videos of short studio recordings, totalling 32 hours, presented by Tom Murphy, a renowned international ultrasound instructor from the UK.
It is very comprehensive and informative, with audio commentary and animated visual slides.
A bound, colour-printed course manual is provided for students to study offline.
Students have 4 months to complete the course.
If more time is required, the time allocation can be extended for one year.
Anyone can do the course and exam, however Certification requires:
- Minimum of 6 month’s verified work experience.
- You must have six months of experience generally associated with maintenance, reliability, and ultrasound testing.
- Completing all the course lessons
- Passing the 50 question, multiple choice exam with a minimum of 70%
- Evidence of passing a hearing test (see below for more detail).
Certification is provided by Mobius Institute Board of Certification. MIBoc is an accredited certification body per ISO/IEC 17024 and ISO 18436-1 authorized to provide certification in accordance with ISO 18436-1 and 18436-2. There is no higher standard of certification.
Mobius Institute Board of Certification (MIBoC) is an impartial and independent entity that is directed by scheme and technical committees to ensure that its certification meets or exceeds the requirements defined by the applicable International Organization for Standardization, ISO 18436 standards.
Certification is valid for 5 years.
Re-certification requires an application fee and updating your work experience.
The exam is available on-line after course completion at a location of choice, supervised by an approved independent invigilator. There is no time limit on when the exam can be taken.
For more information visit: https://www.mobiusinstitute.com/independently-invigilated-certification-exam/
Hearing Test:
As per the requirements of ISO 18436-8, candidates should be given hearing examinations to ensure natural or corrected hearing acuity exists in at least one ear. A record of the results should be retained and presented to MIBoC upon request. The individual should be capable of hearing a standard pure tone in an audiometry exam with results of an average of 25 dB hearing level or lower. This examination should be administered upon initial certification and upon renewal, be administered by a licensed professional, and a record of the test made available to MIBoC upon request.
Candidates who do not provide a record of passing the hearing test will receive conditional certification under which it becomes the responsibility of their employer to assess the candidate’s hearing acuity and their suitability to perform ultrasound data collection and/or analysis. This condition of certification will be noted on the candidate’s certificate.
You can see a preview of the UCAT-1 course and a chapter from the manual with your existing Mobius student credentials or create a new account using this link – UCAT I Course Demonstration Link.