

A library of pre-recorded lessons.


iLearnReliability (iLR) is a subscription-based library of reliability lessons for viewing on a Tablet, PC, TV or large screen.
iLR allows many people to be trained at low cost – there is no need to travel to attend training or pay for an Instructor to come to site.
The lessons are viewed within an educational Learning Management System (LMS) that allows an administrator to allocate specific lessons to individuals and to monitor their progress.
There are 55 lessons to choose from – suitable for Managers, Supervisors, Planners, Maintenance, Operations, Engineers, Reliability, Purchasing and Trades people.
Lessons range in viewing time from 15 minutes to a few hours depending on the complexity of the subject.
The training is most successful when there is a site “champion” or leader who has the influence and authority to use the training within a structured reliability training/awareness program.
It allows complete flexibility on the timing, duration and personnel involved in the training.
Why try to create your own internal training when its already prepared for you?

iLearn Reliability is most suitable for:
• “Toolbox” sessions, where a group learns about and discusses a topic in short sessions.
• Awareness training on maintenance and reliability for operations and manufacturing personnel
• Training graduates & new employees in Vibration Analysis, Condition Monitoring, Maintenance Strategy and Reliability Principals